Sweden to sue the Commission for delaying hormone-affecting criteria

Series Title
Series Details 26.02.14
Publication Date 26/02/2014
Content Type

The Swedish minister for the environment, Lena Ek, announced in February 2014 that the government was considering suing the European Commission for stalling on criteria which are required to stop hormone-affecting substances.

The French parliament’s committee on European affairs also increased pressure over the European authorities by publishing a report on the European strategy on endocrine-disrupting chemicals which calls on the EU to react urgently to the matter.

Source Link http://www.euractiv.com/health/sweden-sue-commission-delaying-h-news-533772
Related Links
ESO: Background information: Endocrine disruptors: Harmful or not? http://www.europeansources.info/record/endocrine-disruptors-harmful-or-not/
ESO: Background information: Study says industry undermines EU chemicals safety http://www.europeansources.info/record/study-says-industry-undermines-eu-chemicals-safety/
ESO: Background information: Consumer groups urge Brussels to act faster on endocrine disruptors http://www.europeansources.info/record/consumer-groups-urge-brussels-to-act-faster-on-endocrine-disruptors/
ESO: Background information: Swedish minister wants tougher EU limits on chemicals http://www.europeansources.info/record/swedish-minister-wants-tougher-eu-limits-on-chemicals/
EurActiv, 03.03.14: Pressure grows on Commission to publish criteria on endocrine disruptors http://www.euractiv.com/health/pressure-growing-commission-publ-news-533843

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