TTIP and the Arbitration Clause (Special reports)

Series Title
Series Details December 2014
Publication Date December 2014
Content Type

Special reports published by EurActiv in December 2014.

+ TTIP and arbitration: Juncker’s birthday headache
On 9 December 2014 an estimated 60 'Stop TTIP' activists were scheduled to give Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker a giant 60th birthday card signed by one million opponents of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.

+ ISDS clause: a gateway to future trade deals
Trade officials negotiating the ISDS arbitration clause within the EU-US trade agreement have half an eye on their next deals, since the wording is likely to shape other key trade treaties on the table.

+ TTIP elephants hiding behind ISDS
The controversy surrounding the inclusion of the Investor-State Dispute Settlement clause in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is seen by some as a smokescreen for ideological opposition to the treaty, and is perceived as a way to divert attention from other likely hotspots in the negotiations.

+ Economist: 'ISDS disconnect between rhetoric and reality'
he integrity of EU trade policy, and the European Commission's capacity to negotiate, are on the line in the current ISDS debate, according to a proponent, economist Fredrik Erixon.

+ Commission ISDS report: Fireworks for the new year
An imminent Commission report on the use of ISDS in TTIP will re-ignite the explosive debate between negotiators and politicians who favour pushing ahead with an arbitration clause in the treaty, and a broad coalition of vocal opponents.

Source Link
Related Links
EurActiv, 08.12.14: TTIP and arbitration: Juncker’s birthday headache
ESO: Key Source: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
EurActiv, 08.12.14: 09.12.14: ISDS clause: a gateway to future trade deals
EurActiv, 10.12.14: TTIP elephants hiding behind ISDS
EurActiv, 11.12.14: Economist: 'ISDS disconnect between rhetoric and reality'
Social Europe Journal, 11.12.14: Why TTIP Has To Be Rethought
EurActiv, 12.12.14: Commission ISDS report: Fireworks for the new year
ESO: Background information: EU, US say hard to imagine trade deal without investor protection

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