Polish legislative initiative to criminalise ‘the promotion of underage sexual activity’

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Publication Date 2019
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Reports and information on a legislative proposal put forward by Poland's government which assigns jail time to anyone who 'promotes or approves underage sexual activity'.

Further information:

The legislative initiative was criticised by different sectors within Polish society, but also by international rights' groups and the European Parliament. The proposal was seen as a potential vehicle to criminalise and ban sex education in schools by treating it as 'paedophilia'.

The draft law was approved by members of the Polish Parliament (Sejm). Separately, a Resolution approved by the European Parliament in November 2019 condemned the potential stigmatisation of sex in education. A number of protests were also registered in Poland in the context of this legislative initiative.

Related Links
Commentary and Analysis
Amnesty International: News, 16/10/2019: Poland: Law criminalizing sexuality education 'recklessly retrogressive' https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/10/poland-law-criminalizing-sexuality-education-recklessly-retrogressive/
Human Rights Watch: Dispatches, 18/10/2019: Polish Parliament Should Scrap Bill Against Sex Education https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/10/18/polish-parliament-should-scrap-bill-against-sex-education

Reuters, 16/10/2019: Polish lawmakers vote for bill criminalising 'promoting underage sex' https://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKKBN1WV1J4
France24, 16/10/2019: Poles hold rally to defend sex education https://www.france24.com/en/20191016-poles-hold-rally-to-defend-sex-education
Deutsche Welle, 16/10/2019: Poland: New legislation treats sex education as 'pedophilia' https://p.dw.com/p/3RNCB
RTÉ News, 16/10/2019: Poles hold rally to defend sex education https://www.rte.ie/news/world/2019/1016/1083890-poland-sex-education-protests/
TVN24, 21/10/2019: European Parliament: Debate on sexual education in Poland https://www.tvn24.pl/tvn24-news-in-english,157,m/european-parliament-held-a-debate-on-sexual-education-in-poland,979406.html

European Parliament: Legislative Observatory: Resolution on the criminalisation of sexual education in Poland https://oeil.secure.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/popups/ficheprocedure.do?reference=2019/2891(RSP)
European Parliament: Press Release, 14/11/2019: MEPs condemn criminalisation of sex education in Poland https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20191111IPR66217/

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