A comprehensive European approach to energy storage

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Series Title
Series Details 2019/2189(INI)
Publication Date 2019-2020
Content Type


Own-Initiative Resolution prepared by the European Parliament concerning a strategy for energy storage in the European Union (EU).

Further information:

The report outlines the Parliament's vision for energy storage, which is seen as playing a crucial role in reaching the objective of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. It calls on the European Commission and Member States to remove regulatory barriers that hamper the development of related projects, and proposed the revision of the Trans-European energy networks to improve eligibility criteria for those whishing to develop energy storage facilities. The strategy also addresses the potential of hydrogen produced from renewable sources.

The report also supports the Commission’s efforts to create European standards for batteries and to reduce dependence on their production outside of Europe. Finally, the document proposes ways to boost other storage options,, as well as the development of decentralised storage.

The Resolution was adopted by the Parliament's relevant committee on 29 June 2020.

Source Link https://oeil.secure.europarl.europa.eu/oeil/popups/ficheprocedure.do?reference=2019/2189(INI)
Related Links
European Parliament: Press Release, 29/06/2020: MEPs want to boost energy storage in the EU to help spur decarbonisation https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20200627IPR82201/

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