2005 citizenship survey: Cross-cutting themes

Author (Person)
Publication Date 27/06/2006
ISSN 1358-510X
Content Type

The Citizenship Survey is a biennial survey of adults in England and Wales, covering a range of community based issues including views about the local area, racial and religious prejudice and discrimination, involvement in the community, civil renewal, volunteering and charitable giving.

The survey is accompanied by three sub-reports that draw out the key messages in each of these areas, as well as starting to unpick underlying drivers of perceptions and behaviours and identifying linkages between the areas covered. The reports are available from the 'See also' links on the right of the page.

Source Link http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20120919132719/http://www.communities.gov.uk/index.asp?id=1501031
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