2021 Rule of Law Report. The rule of law situation in the European Union

Awdur (Corfforaethol)
Manylion y Gyfres COM (2021) 700
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi 20/07/2021
Math o Gynnwys , ,


Report published by the European Commission on 20 July 2021, assessing the situation in the European Union (EU) as a whole and in each Member State as regards the rule of law.

Further information:

The annual Rule of Law Report is at the centre of the Commission's Rule of Law Mechanism. This is yearly cycle aimed at promoting the rule of law and preventing problems from emerging or deepening further. It aims to improve understanding and awareness of issues, identify challenges and support countries in finding solutions. It also allows Member States to exchange best practice, discuss among themselves and learn from each other. The objective of the Mechanism is preventive and it is separate from other elements in the EU's Rule of Law Toolbox. It complements but it does not replace the Treaty-based mechanisms for the EU response to serious rule of law issues in Member States.

This report is the result of dialogue with national authorities and stakeholders, looking at the same issues in all Member States. The assessment focuses on significant developments since the adoption of the previous report, and it applies the same methodology. This annual report was published by the European Commission on 20 July 2021. It is the second annual Rule of Law Report issued by the Commission. The report is accompanied by individual chapters covering the reality in each EU Member State.

Dolen Ffynhonnell https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=COM:2021:700:FIN
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  • https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/communication_2021_rule_of_law_report_en.pdf
Dolenni Cysylltiedig
Sylwebaeth a Dadansoddiad
American Enterprise Institute: Blog, 20/07/2021: Is the European Commission’s rule of law report a gamechanger? https://www.aei.org/foreign-and-defense-policy/is-the-european-commissions-rule-of-law-report-a-gamechanger/
Balkan Insight: Analysis, 20/07/2021: Hungary, Poland face EU fund freezes after rule of law report criticism https://balkaninsight.com/2021/07/20/hungary-poland-face-eu-fund-freezes-after-rule-of-law-report-criticism/
Human Rights Watch (HRW): Dispatches, 23/07/2021: Europe’s Lack of Vision on Rule of Law https://www.hrw.org/news/2021/07/23/europes-lack-vision-rule-law
European Federation of Journalists (EFJ): Blog, 28/07/2021: EU Rule of Law report: Little bark, no bite https://europeanjournalists.org/blog/2021/07/28/eu-rule-of-law-report-little-bark-no-bite/
EUCRIM: News, 12/11/2021: Commission’s 2021 Rule of Law Report https://eucrim.eu/news/commissions-2021-rule-of-law-report/
EPRS: At a Glance, May 2022: The Commission's 2021 rule of law report https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/EPRS_ATA(2022)729417

Politico, 20/07/2021: EU unveils critical rule-of-law report as internal fissures widen https://www.politico.eu/article/commission-presents-rule-of-law-update-amid-growing-concerns/
Reuters, 20/07/2021: EU lists rule of law concerns for Hungary, Poland, pivotal in releasing COVID funds https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-lists-rule-of-law-concerns-hungary-poland-could-withhold-funds-2021-07-20/
Bloomberg, 20/07/2021: Hungary, Poland Veer Off Course as EU Weighs Covid Bailouts https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-07-20/eu-renegades-hungary-poland-singled-out-in-rule-of-law-report
Total Croatia News, 20/07/2021: European Comission Publishes Rule of Law Report on Croatia https://www.total-croatia-news.com/politics/54738-european-comission-publishes-rule-of-law-report-on-croatia
RFE/RL, 20/07/2021: 'Causes For Serious Concern': EU Warns Hungary, Poland Over Rule Of Law, Media Freedom https://www.rferl.org/a/hungary-media-freedom-rule-of-law/31368720.html
Malta Today, 20/07/2021: Court delays pose ‘serious challenge’, EU rule of law report says https://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/europe/110999/court_delays_pose_serious_challenge_eu_rule_of_law_report_says
Hungary Today, 20/07/2021: Justice Min: EC Rule-of-law Report Should Not Be Used for Ideological Purposes https://hungarytoday.hu/varga-hungary-justice-minister-ec-report/
Radio Prague, 20/07/2021: EC's Rule of Law report identifies shortcomings in implementing Czech anti-corruption strategy https://english.radio.cz/ecs-rule-law-report-identifies-shortcomings-implementing-czech-anti-corruption-8723599
Swissinfo.ch, 20/07/2021: EU lists rule-of-law concerns for Hungary, Poland, could withhold funds https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/eu-lists-rule-of-law-concerns-for-hungary--poland--could-withhold-funds/46801980
EUObserver, 21/07/2021: EU rule-of-law report slams Poland and Hungary https://euobserver.com/rule-of-law/152500
Deutsche Welle, 22/07/2021: Poland and Hungary lash back against EU rule of law report https://p.dw.com/p/3xokK

European Commission: 2021 Rule of law report https://ec.europa.eu/info/policies/justice-and-fundamental-rights/upholding-rule-law/rule-law/rule-law-mechanism/2021-rule-law-report_en
European Commission: Press Release, 20/07/2021: 2021 Rule of Law: EU report shows positive developments in Member States but also points to serious concerns https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_3761
European Commission: 2021 Rule of Law Report - Questions and Answers (20 July 2021) https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/qanda_21_3762
European Commission: Remarks by Vice-President Věra Jourová at the press conference on Rule of Law Report 2021 (20 July 2021) https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/speech_21_3808
Renew Europe Group: Newsroom, 20/07/2021: European Commission's Rule of Law Report shows conditionality mechanism must be applied urgently, says Renew Europe https://www.reneweuropegroup.eu/news/2021-07-20/european-commissions-rule-of-law-report-shows-conditionality-mechanism-must-be-applied-urgently-says-renew-europe

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