2nd Joint Association Implementation Report on Ukraine

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details (2017) 376 final (15.11.17)
Publication Date 15/11/2017
Content Type

Further information:

This report sets out the state of play of Ukraine's commitments under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement since the last meeting of the Association Council, in December 2016. It focuses on key developments and reforms undertaken in line with the strategic priorities agreed between the EU and Ukraine.

In the course of 2017, mechanisms for policy coordination, steering and monitoring of the implementation of the Association Agreement were being set up by the government, which led to uneven progress of implementation in various sectoral areas. The report stresses the urgent need to streamline various reform tracks in Ukraine and accelerate the pace of implementation in 2018.

The report also outlines that Ukraine has pursued the implementation of structural reforms, generating positive trends in the economic and social spheres despite internal and external challenges.

The second Joint Association Implementation Report on Ukraine was released on 15 November 2017 by the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the European Commission.

Source Link http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=SWD:2017:376:FIN
Related Links
European Commission: DG Communication: IP/17/4645, 15.11.17: Evaluation of Ukrainian reforms shows considerable progress but need to accelerate implementation to reap full benefits http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-17-4645_en.htm
EUObserver, 15.11.17: [Opinion] Ukraine to EU: Tell us what we're fighting for https://euobserver.com/opinion/139873
Interfax Ukraine, 16.11.17: EU notes progress of reforms in Ukraine http://en.interfax.com.ua/news/general/462345.html

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