52 steps towards a greener city

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2018
ISBN 978-92-79-80103-7
Content Type

Cities contain a huge amount of biodiversity. There is life wherever you look, from the top of the highest building to the bottom of your local pond. There are plants and animals in green areas beside roads and riverbanks, in allotments and brownfield sites, in gardens, parks and cemeteries, in walls and on roofs. Some species are so well adapted that they thrive in the urban environment.

Even in built-up areas, we need to make space for nature. More than half of Europe’s capital cities are home to Natura 2000 sites, the EU network of protected natural areas. That’s just as well, because we need nature. It improves our quality of life, cleans our air, protects our homes from floods, and provides us with food and water. It’s even good for our mental health.

The way you travel, clean your house, even the pet you choose – these choices affect our web of life. Make time to learn about and care for the living things around you – to preserve their many benefits.

Source Link http://dx.publications.europa.eu/10.2779/468090
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EU Bookshop: 52 steps towards a greener city https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/080dffa8-49c5-11e8-be1d-01aa75ed71a1

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