A guide to working in a Europe without frontiers

Author (Person) ,
Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 1988
ISBN 92-825-8067-9
EC CB-PP-88-004-EN-C
Content Type


The aim of the guide is simply to familiarise you with relevant Community legislation and make the official instruments more accessible, by giving you a picture of the present situation.

In a White Paper addressed to the European Council the Cmmission spelled out the measures it considered necessary to set up an area without internal frontiers by 31 December 1992. In particular the Commission considers that Community citizens should be free to practise their occupation throughout the Community if they so wish without any formalities which could in the final analysis discourage them. Accordingly the Commission advocates the mutual recognition of diplomas without any prior harmonisation of the conditions of access to occupations and their exercise.

Source Link https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/21a65ba0-e1b5-429f-abe5-d4c54c90862f
Subject Categories
International Organisations