A quantum cybersecurity agenda for Europe. Governing the transition to post-quantum cryptography

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Publication Date 17/07/2023
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Cybersecurity plays an important role in Europe’s economic security. However, advances in quantum computing create a new set of challenges that compromise the level of security of everything happening online. Actors like the United States and some — but not all — member states of the European Union (EU) are already taking action to counter current and emerging threats. Yet, European coordination will be necessary to ensure a harmonised and effective response.

This Discussion Paper provides recommendations on how the EU could enhance its efforts to navigate cybersecurity risks.

Source Link https://www.epc.eu/en/publications/A-quantum-cybersecurity-agenda-for-Europe~526b9c
Alternative sources
  • https://www.epc.eu/content/PDF/2023/Cybersecurity_DP.pdf
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