A Very French Europe?

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Publication Date April 2022
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During Macron’s second term France will be about as influential as a member-state can be in the EU. But the EU is organised in such a way that even a very influential member-state cannot always get what it wants. As Macron has learned over the past five years, member-states need to build alliances and work with the European institutions in order to achieve their objectives. That is why the EU usually moves slowly. But sudden shocks – such as Covid-19 or Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – can spur governments to change their policies quickly. It is far too early to judge the long-term impact of the war in Ukraine. But if Macron gets his way, it will be a stronger EU role in defence, more European technological and industrial sovereignty, and a bigger EU involvement in fiscal policy.

Source Link https://www.cer.eu/insights/very-french-europe
Alternative sources
  • https://www.cer.eu/sites/default/files/insight_CG_Macron_26.4.22.pdf
Related Links
ESO Records
Cardiff EDC: French Presidential Election, April 2022 https://www.europeansources.info/record/french-presidential-election-april-2022/

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