An action plan for fair and simple taxation supporting the recovery strategy

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2020) 312
Publication Date 15/07/2020
Content Type


Communication published by the European Commission on 15 July 2020, setting a Tax Action Plan aimed at making taxation simpler, fairer and better attuned to the modern economy.

Further information:

Taxation is seen by the European Commission as central to delivering on transition to a greener and more digital reality which is compatible with the principles of a social market economy. As set out in the Commission's Recovery Plan for Europe, a post-pandemic recovery requires strengthening the fight against tax fraud and other unfair practices. This is to help Member States generate tax revenue that can be channelled to face the challenges arising from the crisis.

This Communication sets out an Action Plan for Fair and Simple Taxation Supporting the Recovery, which contains a set of 25 actions. It was designed to respond to the dual challenge comprising a swift and sustainable economic recovery and ensuring sufficient public revenue in the European Union (EU). It was published on 15 July 2020 as part of a Tax Package. The Council of the European Union adopted on 27 November a set of conclusions in response to this Communication.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: DG Taxation and Customs Union: Package for fair and simple taxation
European Parliament: Legislative Train Schedule: Action Plan to fight tax evasion and to make taxation simple and easy
European Commission: Press Release, 15/07/2020: Fair and Simple Taxation: Commission proposes new package of measures to contribute to Europe's recovery and growth
European Commission: Questions and Answers on the Tax Package (15 July 2020)
European Commission: Press remarks by Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis on fair and simple taxation: a new package of measures to contribute to Europe's recovery and growth (15 July 2020)
European Commission: Press remarks by Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni on fair and simple taxation: a new package of measures to contribute to Europe's recovery and growth (15 July 2020)

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