Analysis and overview of national qualifications framework developments in European countries

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details No.27, July 2015
Publication Date 27/07/2015
ISBN 978-92-896-1897-7
ISSN 1831-2403
EC TI-BA-15-002-EN-N
Content Type

In 2014, political commitment and technical work towards developing and implementing national qualifications frameworks across Europe was strengthened. Cedefop’s fifth annual report and analysis on European NQF developments confirms that qualifications frameworks are a key tool for improving transparency and comparability of qualifications at national and international levels. Evidence shows that frameworks increasingly trigger reforms and are used to support incremental changes in education and training. Although still uneven across countries and sectors, NQFs have strengthened the implementation of learning outcomes approaches and have brought together stakeholders from different sectors of education, training and employment in renewal and development of new qualifications, for example at EQF level 5. More countries are opening up their NQFs to qualifications outside the formal, public system of qualifications, such as those awarded by non-formal and private institutions, and strengthening the links to arrangements for validating non-formal and informal learning. The progress made on NQFs has made it possible for more countries to complete their linking to the EQF; 23 countries had linked their national qualifications levels to EQF levels by December 2014.

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