Author (Corporate) | Centre for Industrial Studies [CSIL], European Commission: DG Regional and Urban Policy, Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale [IRS], Valdani Vicari & Associati [VVA] |
Publisher | Publications Office of the European Union |
Publication Date | May 2018 |
ISBN | 978-92-79-91919-0 |
Content Type | Research Paper |
Summary: The purpose of this study is to investigate how Member States have addressed in the 2014-2020 programming period the subject of inclusive growth in their ERDF-co-financed (both mono and multi fund) OPs and the Partnership Agreements. It begins with the identification of relevant inclusive growth OPs and assesses how the subject is strategically programmed in the Member States by analysing the inclusive growth intervention logic. The study also assesses the application of the horizontal principles and the territorial strategy from an inclusive growth perspective. It then identifies the main strengths, weaknesses and bottlenecks in programming and initial implementation; and it concludes with the formulation of recommendations on how European Cohesion Policy should be adjusted in the future to better contribute to inclusive growth and to promote social inclusion, equal opportunities and non-discrimination of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups. |
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Subject Categories | Internal Markets |
Keywords | European Regional Development Fund [ERDF], MFF 2014-2020 |
International Organisations | European Union [EU] |