Antisemitism Summary overview of the situation in the European Union 2001-2010

Author (Corporate)
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Publication Date April 2011
Content Type


The Agency's data collection work over recent years shows that few European Union (EU) Member States have official data and statistics on antisemitic incidents.

Further information:

The Agency's data collection work over recent years shows that few European Union (EU) Member States have official data and statistics on antisemitic incidents. Even where data exist, they are not comparable, since they are collected using different definitions and methodologies. Furthermore, in many EU Member States Jewish organisations or other civil society organisations do not collect data on antisemitic incidents in a systematic way, as there is no complaints mechanism in place to receive and investigate allegations. Where such data exists, usually as lists of cases, they are collected ad hoc by civil society organisations or are based on media reports with varying degrees of validity and reliability.

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International Organisations