Applicant countries put their faith in Dutch dialogue

Series Title
Series Details 12/12/96, Volume 2, Number 46
Publication Date 12/12/1996
Content Type

Date: 12/12/1996

By Mark Turner

THE Dutch presidency has declared its intention to focus on market integration, asylum policy, the environment, energy and agriculture in the EU's talks with the ten applicant countries of central and eastern Europe.

The decision, finalised this week, reflects a commitment by the Netherlands to bring both structure and dialogue to the so-called 'structured dialogue' with the CEECs.

The last six months have witnessed a marked improvement in EU-CEEC discussions, according to Dutch diplomats who say they intend to capitalise on progress made under the Irish presidency.

“My personal feeling is that there has already been a very strong improvement,” said a Dutch official, adding: “We will not be making any revolutionary changes, but will focus closely on issues of importance both to the EU and central and eastern Europe.”

But, according to the applicant countries, this is a modest self-appraisal by the Dutch.

While welcoming a substantial improvement in the meetings under the Irish presidency, CEEC diplomats have been particularly impressed by Dutch preparations for their term in the chair.

“Expectations are very high,” said an Estonian official. “We have already had a large number of preparatory meetings with Dutch ministries and experts. The working papers they have provided so far have been very good.”

Those preparations began in March 1996 and have focused as much on the needs of the CEECs as those of the Union. “We learned a number of interesting things,” said a Dutch diplomat. “For example, there is a real interest amongst the applicants in crime-fighting cooperation. We were also asked whether the EU could teach CEEC governments how to sell environmental policy as a boon to business, rather than an impediment.”

While the Dutch will clearly not be able to address all the CEECs' concerns - for example, over the free movement of workers - there is a clear sense that fruitful dialogue is possible.

Many believe that perhaps the most important changes to the way relations are managed will be methodological rather than in content. The structured dialogue has become somewhat notorious in Brussels circles. Lasting an hour, meetings held under its auspices usually consist of nothing more than a five- to ten-minute statement of policy from each of the applicant countries, leaving little time for debate.

Although more constructive and genuine discussion can take place over lunch, the CEECs still believe a lot more could be done.

“An hour is simply too short for these meetings,” said a diplomat.

In response, Dutch officials say they will restrict debates to manageable issues and concentrate on operational rather than political questions.

Internal market ministers will talk about creating common standards; agriculture ministers will look at veterinary legislation, and energy ministers will debate energy saving and interconnecting gas networks.

The Dutch are, however, wary of raising expectations too high.

They do not, for example, plan to take any binding decisions within the meetings. “If we were to do that, the 15 would need to first adopt a common line, and then speak with one voice at the meetings. At the moment, one EU member might say something very different to another, which allows greater flexibility,” said one official.

Instead, the Dutch hope to show the applicant countries how multilateral negotiations are really conducted. “Currently, many CEECs still see discussions as bilateral, between them on one side and the EU on another.”

Nevertheless, relations may grow more tense as concrete results begin to emerge from the Intergovernmental Conference on Union reform.

“We are taking over enlargement issues in a strange 'in-between' period. The Commission's avis will not be ready, and negotiations will not have started. But it is clear that we have gone beyond general political statements,” said a Dutch official.

Consequently, the next six months will be used very much as a learning exercise for both sides.

“The CEECs are beginning to take common positions amongst themselves. On our side, we are learning how to deal with ten new voices with individual concerns,” said the official.

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