Aviation strategy for Europe: maintaining and promoting high social standards

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2019) 120
Publication Date 01/03/2019
Content Type ,


Report presented on 1 March 2019 by the European Commission setting out a number of actions to further strengthen the social agenda in air transport.

Further information:

Air transport rules have been harmonised within the EU, guaranteeing that all operators, wherever they are located in the EU, have the same access to the air transport market. However, social protection and labour law remain primarily a responsibility of the Member States. This means that while all aviation staff benefit from the protection offered by EU law they may enjoy different rights and levels of protection depending on the national law that applies to them. This situation can be particularly challenging for aircrew (i.e., cabin crew and pilots) due to the cross border nature of their jobs.

In 2015, the Commission presented an Aviation Strategy for Europe, which highlighted the social agenda in aviation as a priority. It has since acted on all of its commitments. The Commission is actively supporting social dialogue in aviation, in particular through the sectorial social dialogue committee on civil aviation. To gain further insights into the situation of aircrews and their employment and working conditions in today's EU aviation market, the Commission commissioned a study on employment and working conditions of aircrews in the EU internal aviation market (the 'Ricardo study').

With this report, the Commission takes stock of progress on the social agenda in aviation which was set out in the 2015 aviation strategy. Focussing on aircrews, and in line with the Commission's political priorities on jobs, growth and fairness, the report reviews the main opportunities and challenges for aircrews today, building on the findings of the Ricardo study which analysed the key issues identified by the European aircrew organisations, while aiming to improve legal certainty for mobile aircrew. It also identifies some concrete actions for a stronger social agenda in aviation in the short term.

Source Link https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM:2019:120:FIN
Related Links
European Commission: Press Release, 01/03/2019: Aviation: Commission continues to push for higher social standards http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-19-1489_en.htm

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