Berlin and Paris eye bank levy to fund bail-outs

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details 1.4.10
Publication Date 01/04/2010
Content Type

Germany and France called on the 31 April 2010 for an international bank levy as Wolfgang Schäuble, German finance minister, outlined plans to force his country’s banks to pay €1.2bn into an insurance fund to cover bail-outs in a future crisis.

Report of a German cabinet meeting in Berlin, 31 March 2010, at which French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde attended as part of a Franco-German initiative to get the two governments to liaise more closely on policies.

Related Links
ESO: Background information: Austria plans levy on banks
ESO: Background information: G7 warms to idea of bank levy
ESO: Background information: Paris looks for €360m from bank bonus tax
Deutsche Welle, 31.3.10: Berlin approves bank levy plan to fund future bailouts,,5417483,00.html
France24, 31.3.10: Berlin agrees bank tax to fund future bailouts
EurActiv, 1.4.10: EU readies G20 proposal on bank and carbon levies

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