Author (Person) | Dworkin, Anthony |
Publisher | European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) |
Publication Date | 2009 |
Content Type | Report |
The EU should seize the opportunity to influence President Obama's efforts to reform US counterterrorism policy by agreeing to help close Guantanamo and work towards a new European-American framework of principles for fighting terror, according to a policy brief published by the European Council on Foreign Relations, May 2009. In Beyond the 'War on Terror': Towards a New Transatlantic Framework for Counterterrorism, Anthony Dworkin, ECFR Senior Policy Fellow, argues that the European Union has a chance to help define new transatlantic standards for combating terrorism in line with traditional European and American values, which gives a framework for the fight against terrorist groups. Despite a heated debate over President Obama's recent announcements on military trials and detention, his policies are a significant improvement on President Bush's 'war on terror', showing greater respect for international law and due process. Dworkin argues that the European Union can influence the development of these policies by opening a new dialogue on principles for counterterrorism with the US that could lead up to a high-profile joint public declaration. |
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Subject Categories | Security and Defence |
Countries / Regions | Europe, United States |