Blackstone’s EU Treaties and Legislation 2011-2012, 23rd ed.

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Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-0-19-965623-3
Content Type

Blackstone's Statutes have a tradition of trust and quality unrivalled by other statute books and a rock solid reputation for accuracy, reliability, and authority. Content is peer reviewed to ensure a close map to courses. Blackstone's Statutes lead the market: consistently recommended by lecturers and relied on by students for exam and course use.

- Unparalleled coverage of EU law containing all the up-to-date legislation relevant to undergraduate law degrees.
- Unannotated primary and secondary legislation, allowing students to take this book into examinations.
- Detailed tables of content and a two colour text design enable students to quickly locate the legislation they need.
- An Online Resource Centre provides updates, web links, additional legislation, an interactive map of Europe containing key data for member states, and an interactive timeline tracing key events in the EU's history.

The twenty-third edition has been fully updated to incorporate all relevant legislation through to March 2012 including:
- Comitology Regulation (182/2011)
- Court of Justice Information note on references from national courts for a preliminary ruling 2011
- Free movement of workers Regulation 492/2011
- Directives 2010/41 and 2010/18 in the equal pay and treatment section of Social Policy
- European Union Act 2011

Readership: Suitable for undergraduate students taking a module in EU law as part of the LLB.

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