Book review: Barry Tomalin, Mike Nicks, The World’s Business Cultures and How to Unlock Them. Special Chapters on: China, USA, Germany, UK, Russia, India, Brazil, France, Italy and Japan

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details Vol.3, No.1, June 2012, p205
Publication Date June 2012
ISSN 2068-651X
Content Type


Although a not very recent publication, Barry Tomalin and Mike Nicks’ book on cultural differences and their manifestations in international business is a useful and up-to-date work - in spite of the five years’ lapse since its publication date, as people’s mental programming is not subdued to rapid change - both for theoreticians and especially for practitioners. The book’s great merit lies, beside the pertinent and thorough information it conveys, in its readable, informal style in accordance with the authors’ cultural conditioning. They know how to dose theoretical information just in the right proportion to assure scientific seriousness and reliability, but not by diminishing the user-friendly features of the book.

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