Brexit would hit UK economy hardest, German think tank warns

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Series Title
Series Details 27.04.15
Publication Date 27/04/2015
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The Bertelsmann Stiftung / Foundation published a report called 'BREXIT – potential economic consequences if the UK exits the EU' on the 27 April 2015.

The report suggested that if the United Kingdom (UK) exited the EU in 2018, it would reduce that country’s exports and make imports more expensive. Depending on the extent of trade policy isolation, the UK’s real gross domestic product (GDP) per capita would be between 0.6 and 3.0% lower in the year 2030 than if the country remained in the EU. If we took into account the dynamic effects that economic integration had on investment and innovation behavior, the GDP losses could rise to 14%. In addition, it would bring unforeseeable political disadvantages for the EU – so from the EU and other Member State perspective, efforts must be made to avoid a Brexit.

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Related Links
ESO: In Focus: Brexit - The United Kingdom and the European Union
Bertelsmann Stiftung: Policy Brief, April 2015: Brexit – potential economic consequences if the UK exits the EU
Bertelsmann Stiftung: BREXIT could be expensive – especially for the United Kingdom…
Blog: Open Europe, 27.04.15: German foundation says UK may not lose much from Brexit
EUObserver, 28.04.15: Ireland and Luxembourg would be biggest Brexit losers

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