Building entrepreneurial mindsets and skills in the EU

Author (Corporate) , ,
Publication Date 2012
ISBN 978-92-79-25878-7
ISSN 1977-6624
EC NB-BN-12-001-EN-C
Content Type


Structural Funds (in particular the European Social Fund and the European Rural Development Fund) have an important role to play in supporting concrete projects aiming to enhance the entrepreneurial mindsets, skills and attitudes of young people. However, so far not in all EU Member States this opportunity has been fully exploited. This document intends therefore to provide an indication of actions that could be usefully taken in all countries and in all regions with the support of European Structural Funds. It presents : The general rationale and status of Entrepreneurship Education in the EU; A progression model on how to develop and implement various stages of evolution of Enterpreneurship Education Policy; A number of good practice examples to inspire projects for the Structural Fund Operating Plans (OPs) These examples can be found both in the illustrative boxes of Chapter 4 as well as in the Annex. This guide is mainly based on the work that the Commission carried out in the last five years - in close cooperation with national authorities - to promote education for entrepreneurship at school and university, with a particular focus on supporting the implementation of national strategies in this area.

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International Organisations