CEDEFOP Work programme 2015

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 2015
ISBN 978-92-896-1856-4
ISSN 1608-9863
EC TI-AG-15-001-EN-C
Content Type

The year 2015 is important for Cedefop, the EU’s agency to support the development and implementation of vocational education and training (VET) policy. It marks Cedefop’s 40th anniversary and a shift to a new parent Directorate General in the European Commission – DG Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility.

As part of work on a common approach towards regulatory agencies, the European Commission is also planning to propose a revision of Cedefop’s Founding Regulation. Against a backdrop of an evolving policy framework (see Chapter 2) and ambitious objectives set by the new European Commission, Cedefop’s work programme 2015 aims to ensure continuity of its work while reflecting new developments at EU level. Reviews of Europe’s 2020 strategy, the framework for education and training (ET2020), and priorities for VET, as outlined in the 2010 Bruges communiqué, are expected to be agreed upon by the summer.

This work programme is consistent with the agency’s mission laid down in its Founding Regulation and its medium-term priorities which have been extended to 2015 given upcoming revision of the policy framework. Chapters 3 to 5 of this document present an overview of planned activities and projects by medium-term priority, while detailed descriptions can be found in Chapter 9. Chapter 6 summarises communication activities and Chapter 7 focuses on management and administrative issues followed by the risk management plan in Chapter 8.

The annexes outline the agency’s financial and human resources, its planned procurement and its performance measurement framework. They also inform on Cedefop’s cooperation with its networks and other EU agencies and on its planned publications and events

Source Link http://dx.publications.europa.eu/10.2801/1481
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