Civil society monitoring report on implementation of the national Roma integration strategy in Portugal

Author (Corporate) , , ,
Publication Date 2019
ISBN 978-92-76-09158-5
EC DS-01-19-641-EN-N
Content Type


This report aims to contribute to the reflection and evaluation of the implementation of the National Strategy for the Integration of Roma Communities with a focus on employment, housing, health and education issues.

Further information:

The Portuguese Government approved, through the resolution of the Council of Ministers (Resolution No. 25/2013 of 27 March 2013), the National Strategy for the Integration of Roma Communities (ENICC), for the period 2013-2020. The strategy is coordinated by the High Commissioner for Migration (ACM) and constitutes an important milestone in social policy directed towards Roma communities in Portugal. In the last five years, we have witnessed the definition of some measures that have allowed some achievements, fundamentally in employment and emergence of initiatives organised by civil society, especially promoted by associations and movements of Roma citizens. There was also specific attention on the part of political bodies.

Throughout the document reflections are found that somehow translate the implementation of the strategy (objectives and targets), alerting to the need to define measures and programmes that foster effective inclusion of these communities.

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