Collaboration on science and innovation: a future partnership paper

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 06/09/2017
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Further information
This paper outlines the UK’s objectives for an ambitious science and innovation agreement with the EU. It sets out examples of where the UK sees potential mutual benefit in a close working relationship, exploring precedents for each. The paper invites discussion with the EU on how best to shape our future partnership in this area.

In preparing to leave the EU, one of the UK’s core objectives was to 'seek agreement to continue to collaborate with European partners on major science, research, and technology initiatives'. It was the UK’s ambition to build on its unique relationship with the EU to ensure that together they remained at the forefront of collective endeavours to improve the world in which they lived. The UK believed this was in the joint interest of the UK and EU, and would welcome discussion on how best to shape a future partnership in this area.The United Kingdom government issued on the 6 September 2017 the eight of a series of papers putting forward its negotiating position on the UK’s future partnership with the European Union (EU). It was published in the context of the negotiations being undertaken with the EU for the UK to leave the union following the Brexit referendum vote of June 2016.

This paper outlined the United Kingdom's position on Collaboration on science and innovation.

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Related Links
Industrial Strategy: science and STEM skills (United Kingdom: House of Commons: Science and Technology Committee: Report, 2017)
ESO: In Focus: Brexit - The United Kingdom and the European Union
ESO: Background information: Leaving the EU: implications and opportunities for science and research
UCL: Brexit Hub: Science and Technology
BBC News, 06.09.17: Ministers want 'ambitious' post-Brexit research deal
Universities UK: News, 06.09.17: Response to UK government position on Brexit and EU research & innovation collaboration
CBI: News, 06.09.17: Industrial Strategy will rely on university strength
EEF: Campaigning > News, blogs and publications > Blogs, 07.09.17: Science, innovation and business growth

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