Comment is free: CIA torture report: Europe must come clean about its own complicity

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Series Details 09.12.14
Publication Date 09/12/2014
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On the 9 December 2014 a report was published by the US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) on the CIA’s detention and interrogation programme under the George W Bush administration after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The report revealed how the intelligence service tortured presumed terrorists.

These sources in this ESO record highlight European reaction to the disclosures and to discussion of the European involvement in the programme. The Guardian wrote that the publication of the report was just the start of an investigation process in which European states would also be called to account.

'It’s shameful that Europe not only gave support for this program, but played an active role in it. The continued silence of EU Member States is a disgrace', said Sophie in 't Veld of the liberal ALDE group.

Euro|Topics wrote on the 11 December 2014 that the Senate report provided evidence evidence that Poland, Lithuania and Romania allowed the US agency to set up secret prisons on their territory.

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BBC News, 10.12.14: CIA 'torture' condemned by world media
Euro|Topics: Main Focus, 10.12.14: US Senate condemns CIA torture
EUObserver, 10.12.14: EU intelligence chief: No way of checking if information came from torture
BBC News, 10.12.14: Poland's secret CIA prisons: Kwasniewski admits he knew
ESO: Background information: CIA ran secret torture jail in Poland, rules EU Court of Human Rights
EurActiv, 10.12.14: Liberals outraged following fresh CIA torture flights revelations
Deutsche Welle, 10.12.14: UN demands prosecution for CIA officials who tortured al Qaeda suspects
ESO: Background information: CIA rendition victim wins European court case
ESO: Background information: The results of inquiries into the CIA's programme of extraordinary rendition and secret prisons in light of the new legal framework following the Lisbon Treaty
US: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Committee Study of the Central Intelligence Agency's Detention and Interrogation Program (large file)
The Conversation, 09.12.14: Senate CIA torture report release: expert reaction
France24, 10.12.14: French far-right leader Le Pen 'defends' use of torture
Euro|Topics: Main Focus, 11.12.14: CIA torture: Europe also implicated
Polski Radio, 10.12.14: Polish authorities act on CIA report references,Polish-authorities-act-on-CIA-report-references
Die Presse, 12.12.14: CIA report a triumph for liberal society (via Euro|Topics)
The Times, 14.12.14: Torture legitimate in fight against terror (via Euro|Topics)
Euro|Topics: Who's saying what: In the wake of the CIA torture report
EurActiv [Opinion], 17.12.14: CIA torture exposes UK’s failure to protect its citizens

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