Commission work programme 2023. A Union standing firm and united

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2022) 548
Publication Date 18/10/2022
Content Type


Communication published by the European Commission on 19 October 2022, setting out its annual work programme (CWP 2023).

Further information:

Every year, the European Commission adopts a Work Programme setting out the list of actions to take in the coming year. The Work Programme informs the public and the co-legislators of our political commitments to present new initiatives, withdraw pending proposals and review existing EU legislation.

The Commission's Work Programme for 2023 contains 43 policy initiatives across six headline ambitions, based on the Political Guidelines made public by the President of European Commission and her latest State of the European Union (SOTEU) speech. It sets an agenda to respond to existing crises and challenges - energy and food security, industrial competitiveness, social market economy - while continuing work on the green and digital transformations. Many of the initiatives in this document also follow up on the outcomes of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE), and it features a new generation of citizens' panels as part of the Commission's policymaking in certain policy areas.

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Related Links
European Commission: Commission work programme 2023
European Commission: Press Release, 18/10/2022: Commission adopts its Work Programme for 2023: Tackling the most pressing challenges, while staying the course for the long-term
European Commission: Remarks by Vice-President Šefčovič at the European Parliament Plenary on the 2023 Commission Work Programme (18 October 2022)

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