Communication on a European strategy for universities

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2022) 16
Publication Date 18/01/2022
Content Type


Communication published by the European Commission on 18 January 2022, setting out a number of actions aimed at increasing the contribution of universities and other higher education institutions to societies across the European Union (EU). This is a text with EEA relevamce.

Further information:

This Strategy aims to support and enable universities in the EU to adapt to changing conditions, to thrive and contribute to the EU's resilience and recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. It includes a set of actions to support universities towards achieving the following objectives:

  • Strengthen the European dimension of higher education and research;
  • Consolidate universities as lighthouses of the so-called European way of life;
  • Empower universities as key actors of change in the twin green and digital transition;
  • Reinforce universities as drivers of EU's global role and leadership.

The Communication was published by the European Commission on 18 January 2022 as part of a Higher Education Package, which also includes a Council Recommendation concerning higher education cooperation.

Source Link
Related Links
EUR-LEX: SWD(2022)6: Staff Working Document accompanying the Communication
European Commission: Press Release, 18/01/2022: Higher education: making EU's universities ready for the future through deeper transnational cooperation
Commission Européenne: Discours du vice-president Schinas lors de la conférence de presse sur le paquet enseignement supérieur (18 janvier 2022)
Commission Européenne: Discours de la commissaire Gabriel lors de la conférence de presse sur le paquet enseignement supérieur (18 janvier 2022)

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