Comparative research on international migration and international migration policy. Migration from the Maghreb and Turkey to the European Union, and from Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador to the United States

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 1998
ISBN 92-828-3225-2
EC CM-13-98-071-EN-C
Content Type

The member states of the European Union (EU) as well as the United States of America(USA) have seen considerable migration from their immediate South. This study concerns comparative research of migration from Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador to the USA and from the Maghreb and Turkey towards the EU.

The questions posed in the terms of reference of this study relate to a large degree to migration policies and its effects on controlling international migration. In order to understand the role of migration policies and their effects on migration we need to understand the process of migration first. We need insight in the actual migration process and its major causes, in order to connect it to the relevant policies and their effects upon migration.

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Subject Categories
Countries / Regions