Competitiveness and cohesion: trends in the regions. Fifth periodic report on the social and economic situation and development of the regions in the Community

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 1994
ISBN 92-826-8631-0
EC CX-85-94-147-EN-C
Content Type


The Fifth Periodic Report on the social and economic situation and development of the regions in the Community updates the information contained in preceding reports and provides further analysis on matters relating to regional problems and policy.

Part A covers the main regional trends and differences over the last decade or so in regard to output, productivity, employment and unemployment. Also included are the results of a major re-examination of demographic trends in the regions which focuses on the prospective changes in population and labour force for the year 2000. Part Β examines some of the factors underlying the disparities between regions. The analysis builds on that undertaken in previous reports. A chapter is also devoted to the role of research and technological development in the regions, broadening the analysis presented in the preceding report. Entirely new elements include a consideration of the trends in foreign direct investment flows (and the relative attractiveness of regions to new investors) and differences in the accessibility of regions (including how this can be expected to change as a result of improvements in transport).

Part C of the report describes the situation in the Community's problem regions which were eligible for assistance under Community regional policies for the period 1989-93. The report also provides a first opportunity to consider the next generation of regional policies effective from 1994 where there is both continuity with the past as well as important innovations. This part of the report also examines Member States' own regional policies and the changes which have taken place over the last decade or so. Part D of the report covers other Community policies in the field of economic and monetary integration and external policy (enlargement). The latter covers regional aspects of the last enlargement (the situation and prospects of the new German Lander), the next enlargement (the regions of Austria, Sweden, Finland and Norway) as well as examining the regional situation of the countries in the East undergoing extensive economic reform (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary).

The report reflects a combination of own research and studies carried out by external experts which are referenced in the text.

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International Organisations