Consumers. Putting the consumer first

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date February 2016
ISBN 978-92-79-56077-4
EC NA-02-16-162-EN-C
Content Type


This publication is part of a series that explains what the EU does in different policy areas, why the EU is involved and what the results are.

Further information:

European consumer policy is a partnership between the EU, its member countries and its citizens. It is based on two key principles identified in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union: a complete range of actions should be taken at EU level to protect the health, safety and economic interests of consumers and promote their right to information and education; consumer protection requirements must be taken into account in defining and implementing other EU policies and activities.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: DG Communication: Consumers. Putting the consumer first [May 2014]
European Commission: DG Communication: Consumers. Putting the consumer first [November 2014]

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International Organisations