Crisis, Credit and Resource Misallocation: Evidence from Europe during the Great Recession

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Publication Date February 2017
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The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) was founded in 1983 to enhance the quality of economic policy-making within Europe and beyond, by fostering high quality, policy-relevant economic research, and disseminating it widely to decision-makers in the public and private sectors. Drawing together the expertise of its 1000 Research Fellows and Affiliates, mainly in Europewan universities, CEPR initiates, funds and coordinates research activities and communicates the results quickly and effectively to decision makers around the world. The Centre is an independent, non-profit organization and takes no institutional policy positions.

CEPR calls itself a 'thinknet' rather than 'think tank'. It is a distributed network of economists, who are affiliated with but not employed by CEPR, and who collaborate through the Centre on a wide range of policy-related research projects and dissemination activities.Papers from the 1st Policy Research Conference of the European Central Banking Network. The chapters in this eBook analyse the behaviour of bank credit in Europe during the Great Recession and the subsequent recovery, drawing on research presented at the first conference of the European Central Banking Network (ECBN) held in Ljubljana in September 2015.

+ Misallocation in Europe during the global financial crisis: Some stylised facts -Biswajit Banerjee and Fabrizio Coricelli

+ Analysis of the bank lending survey results for Bulgaria (for the period 2003-2014) - Tania Karamisheva

+ A forensic analysis of credit activity in Croatia - Mirna Dumičić and Igor Ljubaj

+ Discussion of "Analysis of the bank lending survey results for Bulgaria" and "A forensic analysis of credit activity in Croatia" - Igor Masten

+ Housing and mortgage dynamics in the Netherlands: Some evidence from household survey data - David-Jan Jansen

+ Discussion of "Housing and mortgage dynamics in the Netherlands: Some Evidence from household survey data" - Meta Ahtik

+ The quantity of corporate credit rationing with matched bank-firm data - Lorenzo Burlon, Davide Fantino, Andrea Nobili and Gabriele Sene

+ Discussion of "The quantity of corporate credit rationing with matched bank-firm data” - Martin Wagner

+ Credit misallocation before and after the crisis: A microeconometric analysis for Slovenia - Biswajit Banerjee, Igor Masten, Sašo Polanec and Matjaž Volk

+ The efficiency of banks’ credit portfolio allocation: An application of kernel density estimation on a panel of Albanian banking system data - Altin Tanku, Elona Dushku and Kliti Ceca

+ Credit allocation and the financial crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Dragan Jovic

+ Misallocation of resources in Latvia - Konstantins Benkovskis

+ Discussion of papers from the session on "Credit allocation (or misallocation)" - Dubravko Mihaljek

+ Foreign currency household loans in Austria: A micro view on a macro issue - Nicolás Albacete, Doris Ritzberger-Grünwald and Walter Waschiczek

+ Discussion of “Foreign currency household loans in Austria: A micro view on a macro issue” - Sašo Polanec

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