Developments in German politics 4

Author (Person)
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 978-1-137-30163-5 (hbk) / 978-1-137-30162-8 (pbk)
Content Type

This book provides authoritative coverage as well as wide-ranging and integrated analysis of politics and policy in Germany today and of its role in Europe and the wider world. Bringing together extensively revised and updated chapters by leading authorities, it will be essential for students and anyone interested in European politics.


1. Government at the Centre - Christian Stecker and Klaus H. Goetz
2. The Reform of German Federalism - Charlie Jeffery and Carolyn Rowe
3. Partisan Dealignment and Voting Choice - Russell J. Dalton
4. Parties and the Party System - Margret Hornsteiner and Thomas Saalfeld
5. Political Leadership - Ludger Helms
6. The Politics of Social Protest - Dieter Rucht
7. The German Model in Transition - Anke Hassel
8. Economic Policy - Reimut Zohlnhöfer
9. Germany and the European Union - William E. Paterson
10. Germany and the Euro - Andreas Busch
11. Foreign and Security Policy - Alister Miskimmon
12. Welfare State Reform and Social Policy - Martin Seeleib-Kaiser
13. Energy and Climate Protection Policy - Stephen Padgett
14. Citizenship, Migration and Cultural Pluralism - Simon Green

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