Did you know? 10 EU rights at a glance

Author (Corporate) ,
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 978-92-79-35765-7
EC NA-04-14-127-EN-C
Content Type


Being a European citizen means you benefit from all the big things: a continent at peace, the world’s biggest economy, the freedom to move – things we often take for granted. But it also means all the small, everyday things that make a real and daily difference. Like being able to send back a faulty good you ordered online, low roaming costs or compensation for cancelled flights – all of that is Europe working for you.

Source Link https://doi.org//10.2775/22234
Alternative sources
  • https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/8a5a9c69-0bd5-4078-8027-6bc1ea933120
Subject Categories
Subject Tags ,
International Organisations