Digitising European industry – Reaping the full benefits of a Digital Single Market

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2016) 180
Publication Date 19/04/2016
Content Type


Communication published by the European Commission in April 2016, which sets out a number of measures aiming to reinforce the industrial and innovation pillar of the Digitial Single Market (DSM) strategy.

Further information:

The Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy was first unveiled in May 2015 as one of the European Commission's main priorities. Achieving a Digital Single Market is seen as a prerequisite for attracting investment in digital innovations and for faster business growth in the digital economy. A highly competitive digital industry in Europe and the integration of digital innovations in all sectors is seen as a key success factor for collecting the full benefits of a DSM.

Whilst businesses should take the lead in adapting to market realities, an EU-level effort to help coordinate national and regional initiatives to digitise industry was considered to be important. In that context, this Communication introduces a set of coherent policy measures as part of a DSM technologies and public services modernisation package. The Communication explains how the various measures relate to each other. It also aims to establish a framework for coordination between national and EU-level initiatives in this area and relevant policy actions. It invites to mobilise significant investments from Member States, regions and industry and calls on industry to join forces across the value chains and across sectors.

The Communication is accompanied by three other Communications:

Source Link http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM:2016:180:FIN
Related Links
Commentary and Analysis
EurActiv: Blog, 20/04/2016: Helping Europe to master digital https://digitaleurope.blogactiv.eu/2016/04/20/helping-europe-to-master-digital/

EurActiv, 19/04/2016: Brussels seeks €50 billion to digitalise Europe’s industry https://www.euractiv.com/section/innovation-industry/news/brussels-seeks-e50-billion-to-digitalise-europes-industry/

EUR-Lex: SWD(2016)110: Advancing the Internet of Things in Europe http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=SWD:2016:110:FIN
European Commission: Press Release, 19/04/2016: Commission sets out path to digitise European industry http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-16-1407_en.htm
European Commission: Fact Sheet, 19/04/2016: Digital Single Market - Digitising European Industry [Questions & Answers] http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-16-1409_en.htm

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