Directive 2009/33/EC on the promotion of clean and energy-efficient road transport vehicles

Author (Corporate) ,
Series Details L 120, Pages 5-12
Publication Date 15/05/2009
Content Type


This Directive aims at promoting and stimulating the development of a market for clean and energy-efficient vehicles. With regard to procurement for public transport, the Directive requires public authorities and some other operators to take into account the impact of these vehicles during their operational lifetime in terms of energy consumption, CO2 emissions and other pollutant emissions.

Further information:

The Directive applies to contracts for the purchase of road transport vehicles entered into by:

  • contracting authorities and contracting entities;
  • operators for the discharge of public service obligations under a public service contract.
Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: Clean Vehicles Directive
UK Government: Guidance, August 2011: Applying the directive on the promotion of clean and energy efficient road transport vehicles

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International Organisations