Do you want to work in another EU Member State? Find out about your rights! : update 2007

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2009
ISBN 978-92-79-08862-9
EC KE-30-08-406-EN-C
Content Type


Free movement of persons is one of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed by Community law. EU citizens can move to another Member State in order to work or to study there, to provide or receive services, to set up a company, to settle there for retirement or, in the case of economically inactive persons, simply to reside there.

This guide describes only the legal position of persons who migrate within the European Union for reasons of employment. Its aim is to provide you with information about your rights as a migrant worker in an easily understandable questions and answers form.

Do you want to take up a job in another Member State? Are you working in another Member State and wondering what your rights are in comparison with workers from that country? What happens if you work in one country but reside in another? This guide will provide you with answers to those and many other questions.

This guide was first published in the framework of the European Year of Workers' Mobility 2006, which was organised to raise awareness and understanding of the benefits of working abroad. This new updated version of the guide takes into account the accession of Romania and Bulgaria in 2007.

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