Author (Person) | Hoffmann, Lars |
Series Title | Journal of Contemporary European Research |
Series Details | Vol.5, No.3, Autumn 2009, p480-488 |
Publication Date | September 2009 |
ISSN | 1815-347X |
Content Type | Journal | Series | Blog |
Abstract: In late June the German Constitutional Court ruled on the compatibility of the Lisbon Treaty as well as the German accompanying laws (that ratified the Treaty) with the German Basic Law. Although the Court ruled that the Treaty was compatible with the Basic Law, it requested changes to the accompanying laws. The Court specifically refers to shortcomings in the areas of parliamentary accountability and democracy. This Commentary critically analysis the judgement and argues that the Court's ruling could start a new phase of national judicial activism that might threaten the legal and political integration process [Free registration is required at before full text access to this article] |
Source Link | Link to Main Source |
Countries / Regions | Germany |