Dutch begin media offensive on EU border controls, ahead of presidency

Series Title
Series Details 27.11.15
Publication Date 27/11/2015
Content Type

In advance of the Dutch EU Presidency, January - June 2015 DutchNews.nl reported on the 27 November that Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte and finance minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem were focusing in a series of articles in European newspapers on the challenges facing the EU from the refugee crisis and, in particular, warning about the impact of the EU's failure to properly secure its borders.

Earlier in November 2015 Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koender had in a State of the European Union letter to parliament said: 'More focus is needed on the comprehensive approach to migration and international security. According to the government, member states have a collective responsibility to use their capabilities to help reduce the human suffering caused by war and poverty. However, the migration crisis has revealed various shortcomings in the European area of freedom, security and justice that require action'.

Source Link http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2015/11/dutch-begin-media-offensive-on-eu-border-controls-ahead-of-presidency/
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ESO: Background information: Five nations consider mini-Schengen http://www.europeansources.info/record/five-nations-consider-mini-schengen/
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European Parliament: Newsroom: Press Release, 03.12.15: 'Turbulent times': EP's political leaders discuss priorities incoming Council presidency http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/content/20151203STO06116/
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