EC merger control: a major reform in progress

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 2003
ISBN 1-904501-07-9
Content Type


The papers in this book arise from the 2002 EC Merger Control Conference organised by the European Commission and the International Bar Association. It seeks to provide greater understanding of the package of reforms to the EU merger control regime to be introduced in time for the enlargement of the EU in 2004.

It opens with the Keynote Address by Mario Monti, European Commissioner for Competition. Thereafter the work is organised in five parts which follow the session programme of the conference. The first session addresses case allocation in the EU and the questions arising from multijurisdictional filings. Session two examines due process and judicial review and contrasting merger control systems. The third session considers the differences between the Dominance and SLC (Substantial Lessening of Competition) Tests and asks whether they are real or semantic. Session four discusses efficiency considerations and asks what is their proper role in merger control. Session five assesses Dominance and the unilateral and coordinated effects and the draft Commission Notice. The work ends with the Closing Address given by Philip Lowe, Director General for Competition at the European Commission.

The work will interest competition officials, competition lawyers, corporate counsel, policy makers and economists.

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