ECB threatens legal action against Slovenia after police raid

Series Title
Series Details 07.07.16
Publication Date 07/07/2016
Content Type

The European Central Bank threatened on 6 July 2016 to take legal action against Slovenia, following the seizure by the country's police of documents from the Slovenian Central Bank, in what was seen as a rare conflict between authorities and this Eurozone institution.

The pre-criminal investigation which led to the documents being seized from the central bank is related to possible irregularities during the overhaul of the NLB bank in 2013.

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Related Links
The Wall Street Journal, 06.07.16: ECB President Decries Slovenia’s ‘Unlawful Seizure’ of Bank Materials
Euronews, 07.07.16: ECB threatens legal action against Slovenian after police raid
STA, 07.07.16: ECB boss protests over seizure of sensitive data in Slovenian investigation
EUObserver, 07.07.16: Slovenian police raid central bank, rebuff Draghi
EUObserver, 13.07.16: Slovenia's finance minister resigns after police raid

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