ECDC strategic multi-annual programme 2014–2020. Working together to reduce the burden

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2018
ISBN 978-92-9193-557-4
EC TQ-01-14-137-EN-N
Content Type

ECDC’s first Strategic Multi-annual Programme, which covered the period 2007–2013, gave a road-map for building, then consolidating, a set of core public health functions and establishing programmes on the major infectious diseases of EU-level interest.

The goal of the next seven-year period (2014–2020) was seen to further refine and improve the services and programmes ECDC offered to the EU and its Member States. This meant making sure that its services and programmes were sustainable during a period when the resources available to ECDC and its partners were unlikely to grow, and may well decrease. However, it also meant taking advantage of the opportunities offered by new technologies and new ways of working.

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Related Links
ECDC: About us: What we do: Work Programmes and Strategies

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