EFSA Strategy 2020 Trusted science for safe food

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date April 2016
Content Type

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a five year strategy 2016-2020 in April 2016.

The Strategy 2020 identifies a number of 'drivers' that EFSA expects to significantly influence the direction its takes between now and 2020. These range from high-level issues such as public expectations of greater transparency and the impact of globalisation, to closer-to-home concerns such as how EFSA can become even more efficient and continue to attract scientific expertise at a time when resources are increasingly precious.

The document then outlines five strategic objectives that will frame the way EFSA responds to the expected challenges and opportunities. Over the next five years the Authority aims to:

+ prioritise public and stakeholder engagement in the process of scientific assessment;
+ widen its evidence base and optimise access to its data;
+ bolster the EU’s scientific assessment capacity and knowledge community;
+ prepare for future risk assessment challenges;
+ create an environment and culture that reflects EFSA’s values.

Source Link http://www.efsa.europa.eu/sites/default/files/corporate_publications/files/strategy2020.pdf
Related Links
EFSA: Press Release, 26.04.16: Agile, open, connected – EFSA in 2020 http://www.efsa.europa.eu/en/press/news/160426

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