EFSI and ESI Funds: Complementarity or contradiction?

Author (Corporate)
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Publication Date January 2017
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Shortly after beginning its 2014-2019 mandate, the European Commission proposed a new investment Plan for Europe, often referred to as the ‘Juncker Plan’. The Investment Plan was seen as a top priority for the European Commission, aimed at strengthening Europe’s competitiveness and stimulating investment in order to create more jobs. It is based on three mutually reinforcing strands: firstly, the mobilisation of at least €315 billion in additional investment over the next three years, maximising the impact of public resources and unlocking private investment through the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI); secondly, targeted initiatives to ensure that this extra investment meets the needs of the real economy through strengthened transparency measures and advisory services; and thirdly, measures to provide greater regulatory predictability and to remove barriers to investment, making Europe more attractive and thereby multiplying the plan’s impact.

Source Link https://epthinktank.eu/2017/01/12/efsi-and-esi-funds-complementarity-or-contradiction/
Alternative sources
  • http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2017/595869/EPRS_BRI(2017)595869_EN.pdf
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