Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2018

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date July 2018
ISBN 978-92-79-77878-0
ISSN 2315-2540
EC KE-BD-18-001-EN-N
Content Type


The European Commission published on 13 July 2018 the annual edition of its Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) review. This edition focused on the changing world of work and its employment and social implications.

Further information:

This year's edition confirms the ongoing positive labour market trends as well as an improving social situation. The numbers of people in employment reached new record levels. However, while the number of hours worked per person employed grew in recent years, they were still below the 2008 levels. At the same time rising disposable incomes and lower levels of poverty were registered.

This year's edition of the report aims to analyse opportunities and risks linked to technological innovation, demographic change, and globalisation. The review shows what needs to happen so that everybody can benefit from these developments.

The annual Employment and Social Developments in Europe review provides up-to-date economic analysis of employment and social trends in Europe. In light of these trends, the review points out potential challenges and highlights potential policy responses to face these. It is the main report in the European Commission's hands for analysing evidence and reviewing trends and upcoming challenges on the labour markets.

Source Link http://dx.publications.europa.eu/10.2767/875456
Alternative sources
  • http://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=19719&langId=en
Related Links
Commentary and Analysis
Social Europe, 18/04/2019: Putting Europe’s invisible precariat in the spotlight https://www.socialeurope.eu/europes-invisible-precariat

European Commission: Press Release, 13/07/2018: Employment and Social Developments in Europe: 2018 review confirms positive trends but highlights challenges, in particular linked to automation and digitalisation http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-4395_en.htm
European Commission: 2018 review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe [Q&A] http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-18-4394_en.htm

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