Employment and Work Patterns

Series Title
Series Details Vol.12, No.3, May 2010, p339-442
Publication Date August 2010
ISSN 1461-6696
Content Type

Dina Hummelsheim and Jochen Hirschle:

Mother's Employment: Cultural Imprint or Institutional Governance? Belgium, West and East Germany in Comparison

Anna Baranowska and Michael Gebel:

The Determinants of Youth Temporary Employment in the Enlarged Europe: Do Labour Market Institutions Matter?

Colin C. Williams and John Round:

Explaining Participation in Undeclared Work: A Result of Exit or Exclusion?

Katarina Boyle:

Time Spent Working: Paid Work, Housework and the Gender Difference in Psychological Distress

Source Link http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/
Subject Categories
Countries / Regions