Employment in Europe – 1993

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 1993
ISBN 92-826-6055-9
EC CE-79-93-275-EN-C
Content Type ,


The completion of the 1992 single market programme and the removal of most restrictions on competition and trade between Member States has helped lay the basis for a more efficient European economy. Yet while efficiency in production is important, in itself it does not ensure that higher levels of output and real income are actually realised or that they are adequately translated into employment creation. Still less does it ensure that the potential gains are equitably distributed both between different parts of the Community and between individuals and social groups.

The focus of Employment in Europe is on labour market aspects of these problems and aspirations, including the main economic factors which affect labour market developments. It provides quantitative information on these aspects - specifically on trends in employment and unemployment in the past 10 years or so - examines their interrelationship with other factors, and indicates the potential implications. Attention is drawn to both differences and similarities in experience across the Community.

Table of Contents:

  • Foreword
  • Summary
  • Part 1 | Employment prospects
    • Ch 1 | Employment in the Community - trends and prospects
    • Ch 2 | Short-term economic and employment outlook
  • Part 2 | The European labour market
    • Ch 3 | The Community in the world economy: recent employment developments in Central and Eastern Europe
    • Ch 4 | Towards an integrated European labour market?
    • Ch 5 | Labour market developments in assisted regions
    • Ch 6 | Women in employment
  • Part 3 | Employment policies
    • Ch 7 | Employment protection and labour force adjustment in the Member States
    • Ch 8 | The Community Employment Framework

Further information:

This Report was published by the European Commission as COM (93) 314.

Source Link https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/45f9467b-c08a-435f-adb6-79b488a05c8d
Alternative sources
  • https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX:51993DC0314
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