Employment in Europe 2007

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2007
ISBN 978-92-79-06669-6
ISSN 1016-5444
EC KE-AH-07-001-EN-C
Content Type

This is the 19th edition of the Employment in Europe report, which has become one of the main tools of the European Commission in supporting Member States in the analysis, formulation and implementation of their employment policies.

Employment in Europe traditionally provides an overview of the employment situation in the EU, and focuses on a limited number of topics that are high on the EU's employment policy agenda. The overarching themes of this year's edition are a life-cycle approach to work, flexicurity and the evolution of labour income share (i.e. the part of value added that is allocated to labour). The report thus continues to inform the broad policy debate on flexicurity, which resulted in a Commission Communication on Common Principles of Flexicurity (COM(2007) 359 of 27/06/2007) and also provides analytical support to the Commission Communication on Youth (COM(2007) 498 of 04/09/2007).

In connection with the publication of the report, the second dissemination conference will take place on 30 November 2007 in Brussels.

The Employment in Europe report is published in English only. A Communication on the key messages from the 2007 report has however been translated into the following 22 Community languages:

Source Link https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/2ceed935-425c-4d8b-b1ec-04f48d0c5ebf
Related Links
European Commission: COM (2007)733: Communication: Key messages from the Employment in Europe 2007 Report http://ec.europa.eu/employment_social/employment_analysis/eie/eie2007_summary_en.pdf

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