Energy chief tells states to stop stalling

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Series Details Vol.8, No.2, 17.01.02, p5
Publication Date 17/01/2002
Content Type

Date: 17/01/02

By Laurence Frost

EU STATES could have their electricity and gas markets opened by decree 'as a last resort' if they fail to press ahead with liberalisation, Commissioner Loyola de Palacio has warned.

Speaking at a Madrid economic forum, the energy chief pledged to use 'all the means' at her disposal, including a unilateral Commission directive, if governments continue to stall over plans for full market opening by 2005.

EU leaders will discuss the proposals at March's Barcelona summit, along with other economic measures designed to make the bloc 'the most competitive knowledge-based economy in the world'. France and Germany blocked the proposals at last year's Stockholm summit. France is likely to find it even harder to agree to further market opening in the run-up to its June presidential elections.

European Commissioner for transport and energy, Loyola de Palacio, speaking at a Madrid economic forum in January 2002, has said that she will use 'all the means' at her disposal to ensure that EU states fully open their electicity and gas markets by 2005.

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